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Install Jellyfin on PopOS, mint, and other Ubuntu derivatives

If you are landing on this blog, you may know what Jellyfin is. But to level the ground for both of us, this is a quick recap for you.

What is Jellyfin

Jellyfin is a media server, that gives you a nice-looking UI to access the media stored in your hard disk.

Unlike its competitors like Plex and Emby, Jellyfin is open source and free to use.

Jellyfin is a fork of Emby. I personally like Emby due to its stability. Sometimes you have to tweak things in Jellyfin but Emby just works.

Install Jellyfin in PopOS, Linux Mint, or Ubuntu-based derivatives

Before following the process, make sure you have root access to the system.

Step1: Install required dependencies

sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl gnupg

Step2: Add the required keyrings

sudo mkdir /etc/apt/keyrings
CODENAME="$( awk -F'=' '/^VERSION_CODENAME=/{ print $NF }' /etc/os-release )"
curl -fsSL${DISTRO}/jellyfin_team.gpg.key | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/jellyfin.gpg

Step3: Write Jellyfin source file

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.sources
Types: deb
Suites: ${CODENAME}
Components: main
Architectures: $( dpkg --print-architecture )
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/jellyfin.gpg

Step4: Install Jellyfin

sudo apt update
sudo apt install jellyfin

An alternative method to install Jellyfin in Linux distributions

Jellyfin has a community-maintained Flatpak version. You can install Flatpak in any Linux distribution. You have enabled Flatpak and Flathub, visit this URL for a step-by-step guide.

After Flatpak is set up on your system, open your terminal and run the following command to install Jellyfin using Flatpak.

flatpak install flathub org.jellyfin.JellyfinServer

After installation run this program. Your server starts in the background and launches the web client after 10 seconds.

See Also