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Generate images from HTML markup using Satori

Satori is a library that converts JSX syntax into SVG(Scalable vector graphics) images. JSX is a fancy way to write HTML markup inside Reactjs.

But there is a way to use native HTML in satori without JSX elements. Follow this article to know more.

Installing dependencies

Install satori and satori-html as a dependency to your project.

npm i satori satori-html

Using Satori with HTML markup

  1. Inside your project import the installed dependency.
import { html } from "satori-html";
import satori from "satori";
  1. Now write the HTML and CSS markup inside the HTML-tagged template string.
 const template = html`<div
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: column;
          position: absolute;
          bottom: 100px;
          left: 100px;
          margin-right: 100px;
            font-family: nunito;
            font-size: 60px;
            color: white;
            font-weight: bold;
      How to get the frame rate of a video using ffmpeg
            display: flex;
            color: #c5c5c5;
            font-family: nunito;
            font-size: 30px;
            align-items: center;
            gap: 10px;
            font-weight: 500;
      <p>7 July</p>
  1. Now use Satori to convert the generated Satori-friendly Virtual DOM into an SVG image.
const svg = await satori(template, {
  width: 1200,
  height: 630,
  fonts: [
      name: "nunito",
      data: await readFile("./resources/Nunito-Regular.ttf"),
      weight: 400,
      style: "normal",
      name: "nunito",
      data: await readFile("./resources/Nunito-Medium.ttf"),
      weight: 500,
      style: "normal",
      name: "nunito",
      data: await readFile("./resources/Nunito-Bold.ttf"),
      weight: 700,
      style: "normal",

Inner working of this process

As Satori supports JSX syntax to process intro SVG images, the satori-html package converts the html string intro satori-friendly Virtual DOM. Therefore, satori can easily parse the VDOM and generate SVG Images from it.

See Also